Specialty Stones

Specialty Stones


Kewanee Skippers: 4-8″ Size
Multi-Colored Pinks, Reds, Grays, Browns and Buff

Boulders - Kewanee Rounds

Kewanee Round: 4-8″ Size, We Offer Round & Flat Shapes
Multi-Colored Pinks, Reds, Grays, Browns and Buff


Kewanee Flats 6”- 12” x 1”-3”
Multi-Colored Pinks, Reds, Grays, Browns and Buff


Kewanee Cobbles 6”- 12” x 4”-6”
Multi-Colored Pinks, Reds, Grays, Browns and Buff

Creating Cincinnati Landscapes and Beyond for Over 40 Years.