Landscaping Library

Landscapers Documents

Here you can find various documents that can be useful in the success of your landscaping

General Information

A General Guide to Plants and Trees

A general guide to plants and trees

Best Sellers

A list of our top-selling plants

Common Landscaping Mistakes

A list of common mistakes that may affect plant performance…

Common vs. Latin Names

Translation between common and Latin plant names…

Deer-resistant Plants

Information on what plants have been tested to be the least likely to be eaten/destroyed by deer…

Defining Shade

Plants usually come labeled with their sun exposure requirements. However, measuring sun exposure for plants is not an exact science…

Drought Tolerant Plants & Trees

Plants found to be tolerant of dry weather…

Fast Growing Trees

Customers often ask for a tree that “grows fast”. How fast is “fast”? According to horticulture industry authority Michael Dirr, plant growth rates are defined as follows…


A guide to picking the right kind of decorative grass for your landscaping

Hydrangea Care

Why are my hydrangeas not blooming..?


A microclimate is the climate of a small area that is different from the area

Plants for Hummingbirds

A list of plants and flowers that attract hummingbirds…

Plants for Screening

A list of great plants to use for screening purposes…

Plants for Shade

A list of great plants to use in shady areas…

Plants Poisonous to Animals

A common list of plants known to be poisonous to animals…

Proper Planting

Tips for soil preparation, digging a proper hole, and more…

Recipes for Deer Repellant

Great tips/methods you can use to keep the deer out…

Watering Guidelines

Ask any Green Industry professional what is the #1 problem in landscapes and they will tell you – WATER! (Too little or too much…)

When to Prune

Pruning guidelines for flowering trees and shrubs…

Creating Cincinnati Landscapes and Beyond for Over 40 Years.